Lila BALISTRIERI ’18 is exploring her passions surrounding accessibility, 公共卫生, and the financial world at the University of Rochester. A 处理程序的学者, she is triple majoring in English, 人类学, and Medical Innovation and is also a research assistant at the university. At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Lila interned with 美国ApiJect系统公司., a corporation that focuses on developing safer ways to deliver injectable medication to communities worldwide. Learn more about Lila and how she’s bringing her many interests to the table to make an impact at Rochester and beyond.
B.A. 英语优秀,B.A. 人类学荣誉学士.A. in Medical Innovation, Minor in Statistics, University of Rochester (anticipated spring 2022)

What was your internship and how did you get started?
Amidst the current COVID-19 pandemic, I had the exciting opportunity to intern in a 公共卫生 advocacy position with 美国ApiJect系统公司. 在我的角色里, 我研究 and 发达 a 公共卫生 campaign relevant to certain states of India, to address multi-dose vial safety. Acting as a point of contact for healthcare networks overseas and working closely with members at the World Health Organization, I analyzed  a need for efficient injection practices in India and aid in creating future practices that can combat the challenges of the pandemic and safely welcome the introduction of the COVID-19 vaccine. 

At the same time I was interning with ApiJect, I was also a research assistant for the University of Rochester, remotely analyzing archives and data files surrounding China and the impact of COVID-19. It was fascinating to see how insight gained from my experience with ApiJect could be intertwined into my work with the COVID-19 databases of the university. 在我研究的最后, an article of my work was featured in Information Advisor, 商业杂志.

What lessons did your internship teach you?
My internship with ApiJect allowed me to be a part of the real-life change that often goes unrecognized. I learned that the little steps needed to make injectable medicines safe entail deep thought and immense effort from a multitude of disciplines. It taught me to value teamwork and understand how to drive success together. 

What do you enjoy most about the work you did?
What I loved most about the work I did with ApiJect was that I was able to learn how to effectively study a community and its needs, 甚至来自世界各地. I was able to take what I learned in my ApiJect position and apply it to my involvement in my Rochester community. As a Community Engagement Scholar on campus, I continue my appreciation of service by participating in community-engaged learning seminars and a capstone project in response to community-identified needs.

Is there a project or accomplishment that you consider to be the most significant in your career, 学术或其他?
One project that I consider to be the most significant since starting college has been winning the Ain Center for Entrepreneurship’s Creative Collision Challenge Award. 我研究, 发达, and proposed an actionable plan of a mobile feature called “URescue” which allows University of Rochester students to easily contact the Department of Public Safety in times of emergency, eliminating the barriers surrounding accessibility with blue light emergency boxes; making a difference for 490 students. 

How did Ellis stimulate your intellectual curiosity and creativity?
Ellis stimulated my intellectual curiosity and creativity by encouraging me to chase after all of my interests, 挑战自己, 尝试新事物. Ellis prepared me to enter college knowing that the world is at your fingertips, and you do not need to settle or pursue a specific path. 继续寻找自我!

What is the most important lesson you learned at Ellis?
The most important lesson I learned at Ellis is that you are going to fail and that is OK. It’s about how you pick yourself up. It’s about how you push on and keep going. The challenges that I faced in high school are what prepared me for college the most. I never gave up and Ellis never gave up on me. I learned how to accept failure, and Ellis taught me how to love myself in these failures because they are only small bumps on the road to success.

How would you describe yourself in three words?
快乐. 洒脱的. 意志坚强的.


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